Thursday, March 29, 2007

Its Official

Yesterday I got my singlet and my bib number in the mail. Its official, I'm actually running the Boston Marathon. Looking over the prep materials, I realized how much I missed Boston when it was preparing for the marathon. The streets were being cleaned, all the sports stores had running specials, and the marathon banners would be hung from lamp posts. As an avid fan of advertising, I think I enjoyed these most. Reading every encouraging quote under the now infamous "Reason No:" campaign. Apparently it continues this year, as my package is splattered with wonderful reasons like "It hurts so good" and "Chafing is a badge of honor." Both sentiments I would agree with whole-heartedly. There's also the John Hancock page which includes a list of promises like "I will finish under four hours" and "Boston is my first marathon but not my last." Under this spirit of promotional inspiration, I will use this blog to give my list of reasons and promises.

Reason NO:
254: I get an excused day off work
8706: I might get a tan
342: The soles of my trainers miss Boston roads
2254: I currently own a surplus of bandaids and vaseline
13: I won't get hit by a van for nothing
7293: I believe in the phrase "Walk it off"
5239: I like shiny things, like heat blankets
1: There's a cure somewhere, and I'll run to find it

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