Sunday, March 18, 2007

From East to West

Tuesday: 70 F Wednesday: 80 F Thursday: 40 F Friday: 30 F Saturday: 26 F with windchill. Its sad to see such a rapid decline, especially knowing that a blizzard accompanied those last set of figures, along with a 14 (eh-hem, actually 12 mile) run on Saturday. I was not a happy camper, because running in snow is like running in sand, you just get sucked down with every step. That, and its freaking cold. When I turned around at about 6 miles, I turned straight into the wind, and there's nothing more painful than having below freezing wind slam into your sweat drenched face. But I am happy to do it, knowing that it means others may be cured and will someday experience that same wonderful pain.
But not 24 hours after that blistery cold, I was on a plane and running in the comfortably mild weather of Los Angeles, slightly hazy. The change of scenery is nice, the palm trees look good, and I'm looking forward to an exceptional, purely adrenaline driven week of conference managing, client schmoozing, and bar hopping, with a touch of running to cap it all. Cheers!

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