Thursday, April 19, 2007

Race til the End

The crowds rejoice and so do my tired limbs, I finally finished the Boston Marathon in a respectable time of 4:25. All weekend the runners worried about snow, sleet, rain, and wind, and the day actually turned out to be rather fair for running (for those of us who are not running 2 hour marathons).
The athletes village was a mud pit and soaked, but once the running began, we were only chasing the rain. Crowds still turned out. And so did the water trucks, which meant quite a lot of roadside relieving.
I was very glad to have someone to run with the first half, and I'm sorry that I missed my other friend as I was "blowing by her." Thanks to everyone who turned out to watch or tracked me online. The support was needed and is very much appreciated. And I'm glad that I can do something for the MS Society while being a part of such a great event.
For those of you who have the resources, I am still in need of donations. Please visit my MS donations page.

Thanks for everything.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is some kid. Yes, I'm allowed to say kid since I'm the mom. Way to go, Virginia. We love you and know you'll still make your goal.