Friday, August 17, 2007

Rules to the Game

A few months ago, a friend and I were talking about all the wonderful stories of tragic comedy that keep us going. They make us laugh in that uncomfortable way of knowing that we too could be screwed just that much. These are stories we all have. These are stories that we share to share our misery, and hopefully find the brighter side. Though, lets face it, sometimes there just is no brighter side accept to know we have friends to share such tragedy with. Since the marathon is over, I'm turning this blog over to true life stories of comedy and tragedy. Some rules will be set up, and these will be posted in due time. I would love to collect stories from anyone who fits into the category, and as I get more and more contributions, it will be more like a contest for who has the best tragic/comedic before the next posting. If you have one of these stories at any time, please pass it on, share it with world so we can laugh and be slightly mortified with you.

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